About the Journal

The Journal of African Cinemas explores the interactions of visual and verbal narratives in African film. It recognizes the shifting paradigms that have defined and continue to define African cinemas. Identity and perception are interrogated in relation to their positions within diverse African film languages. The editors are seeking papers that expound on the identity or identities of Africa and its peoples represented in film.

The aim is to create a forum for debate that will promote inter-disciplinarity between cinema and other visual and rhetorical forms of representation.

The editors are looking for articles, reviews, and comparative analyses regarding African cinema through its historical and contemporary legacies. The journal wishes to concentrate on the growing African cinematic society, as it interrogates African societies with regard to African filmmakers' conceptualization of space, time and identity. What is/are Africa/s and what is/are African cinema/s, might offer pertinent starting points. Some proposed topics are: