Using Online Research Methods to Complete Investigations with Young Children: Suggestions for Music Practitioners and Researchers


  • Mara Culp
  • Tiger Robison


As more stakeholders turn to online research methods amidst COVID-19, novice and experienced researchers would benefit from assistance in identifying practical and ethical ways to address important questions related to children’s musical lives in an altered research landscape. The purpose of this paper, therefore, was to describe how online methods can be used to conduct research with young children and music. We began with a discussion of literature geared toward general methodological considerations, by gradually building on the perspectives of relevant fields of study. We discussed ethical considerations of conducting online research with children in music education including informed consent, public vs. private information and a priori considerations. Lastly, we drew upon the literature to provide suggestions researchers can consider when conducting online research with young children and music. Our conclusion reiterated important points and provided implications for future research.

