About the Journal

Calls for papers are open to any undergraduate student, currently enrolled at an institution of higher
learning worldwide and working towards a bachelor’s degree in any field. Recent graduates are also
eligible, providing they submit to a call the deadline for which occurs within six months from their
graduation date (or up to a year, providing that the recent graduate is not enrolled in graduate school).
Any original piece of written scholarship, involving film criticism, history, or theory will be considered
for publication. By submitting a paper for a call, authors are certifying that: (1) they are undergraduate
students, currently enrolled at an institution of higher learning and working towards a bachelor’s degree
(or they are recent graduates of twelve months or less from the date of the call deadline, providing
they are not enrolled in graduate school); and (2) their submitted essays are original pieces of written
scholarship, authored solely by them, and have not been published in any form, in any publication,